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Coast Mountain College (British Columbia)

The Coast Mountain College was established in the year 1975. It’s a publicly funded and government-recognized post-secondary college.

Acadamic Requirements

Aggregate of 50% – 55% and above

IELTS Requirements

IELTS (Academic) – score of 6.0 or higher with a minimum band score of 6.0


General Studies (Associate of Arts Degree)
Archaeological & Cultural Resource Management Specialization (Associate of Arts Degree)
Sustainable Communities Specialization (Associate of Arts Degree)
Criminology Specialization (Associate of Arts Degree)
Criminology Diploma 
Social Service Worker Certificate
Social Service Worker Diploma 

General Studies (Associate of Sc Degree) 
Environmental Geoscience Specialization (Associate of Sc Degree) 
Applied Coastal Ecology (Certificate)
Applied Coastal Ecology (Diploma)
Applied Coastal Ecology Post degree Diploma
Applied Earth & Environmental Studies
Engineering and Physical Sciences Transfer (Certificate)