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Brighton College Program    Total Weeks    WEP Practicum(hour) Co-op(hour)    Application Fee    Tuition    Textbooks    Supplies    S.R.A.    PSE    Total    Intakes
BUILDING & ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY                                                  
Architectural Design and Building Technician Diploma    35    150 (practicum)    $250.00    $18,450.00    $2,150.00    $300.00    $5.00    $0.00    $21,155.00    July 27, Sept. 14 & Nov. 2
AutoCAD Drafting and Design Specialist Diploma    35    150 (practicum)    $250.00    $18,450.00    $2,250.00    $300.00    $5.00    $0.00    $21,255.00    July 27, Sept. 14 & Nov. 2
Construction & Drafting Technician Diploma    35    150 (practicum)    $250.00    $18,450.00    $2,100.00    $300.00    $5.00    $0.00    $21,105.00    July 27, Sept. 14 & Nov. 2
Civil Infrastructure Design Technology Diploma    35    150 (practicum)    $250.00    $18,450.00    $2,400.00    $300.00    $5.00    $0.00    $21,405.00    July 27, Sept. 14 & Nov. 2
Structural and Building Technology Diploma    35    150 (practicum)    $250.00    $18,450.00    $2,400.00    $300.00    $5.00    $0.00    $21,405.00    July 27, Sept. 14 & Nov. 2
Construction Project Management Diploma    35    150 (practicum)    $250.00    $18,450.00    $2,000.00    $300.00    $5.00    $0.00    $21,005.00    July 27, Sept. 14 & Nov. 2
Construction Operations and Supervision Diploma    35    150 (practicum)    $250.00    $18,450.00    $2,200.00    $300.00    $5.00    $0.00    $21,205.00    July 27, Sept. 14 & Nov. 2
Green Building and Sustainable Design    35    150 (practicum)    $250.00    $19,825.00    $1,100.00    $300.00    $5.00    $0.00    $21,480.00    July 27, Sept. 14 & Nov. 2
Construction Operations Technician Certificate    18    N/A    $250.00    $11,700.00    $1,150.00    $150.00    $5.00    $0.00    $13,255.00    July 27(with breaks), Sept. 14(with Breaks) & Nov. 2(with breaks)
CAD Drafting for Civil Infrastructure Certificate    16    N/A    $250.00    $10,450.00    $1,050.00    $150.00    $5.00    $0.00    $11,905.00    July. 27, Sep 14, Nov. 2
CAD Drafting for Building Certificate    16    N/A    $250.00    $10,450.00    $1,000.00    $150.00    $5.00    $0.00    $11,855.00    July. 27, Sep 14, Nov. 2

*Business Management Diploma    49    480 (co-op)    $250.00    $14,400.00    $2,000.00    $250.00    $5.00    $0.00    $16,905.00    June 29, Aug.31, Sept. 21,Oct12
*Business Administration Diploma    25    N/A    $250.00    $9,750.00    $1,350.00    $150.00    $5.00    $0.00    $11,505.00     
***Office Assistant Certificate    12    N/A    $250.00    $4,900.00    $800.00    $100.00    $5.00    $0.00    $6,055.00    Aug. 10

Computerized Accounting and Office Diploma    34    150 (practicum)    $250.00    $12,090.00    $1,100.00    $150.00    $5.00    $1,950.00    $15,545.00    Aug.3, Aug.24, Sept.21 & Nov30
Accounting and Payroll Administrator Certificate    17    N/A    $250.00    $7,250.00    $450.00    $100.00    $5.00    $1,950.00    $10,005.00    Sept. 21

**Hospitality Management with Co-op Diploma    72    800 (co-op)    $250.00    $17,400.00    $2,000.00    $250.00    $5.00    $600.00    $20,505.00    Aug. 3, Sep 28, Oct 26,& Nov 30
**Hospitality Management Diploma    48    480 (co-op)    $250.00    $12,900.00    $1,800.00    $250.00    $5.00    $600.00    $15,805.00    July 6, Aug. 3, Sep 28, Oct 26, Nov. 9 & Nov. 30
Hospitality Operations Certificate    25    100 (practicum)    $250.00    $8,500.00    $1,100.00    $150.00    $5.00    $350.00